Turner Ashby High School Library

Our Mission:

"To ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information. The School library media specialist empowers students to be critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information." (AASL, 2009)

Reader Responsibility
In a library that serves faculty and students ranging from thirteen to adult, a wide variety of material is needed. What is interesting and appropriate for younger students may not be for older student and adults and vice versa.  If you check out a book that you or your parents are uncomfortable with, simply return it and choose another book. The beauty of libraries is that they are all about personal choice!

Please Note: 
Many links require account authentication, so being logged into your school Google account is advised.

two students in library working on laptops

 Find Great Books

Destiny Discover logo

Online catalog and our ebooks on Destiny Discover (Choose Virginia, then type Turner Ashby and select.)

book with magnifying glass

Lists and Links to help you find the perfect book

Sora the student reading app

Read ebooks and audiobooks from all of RCPS and Massanutten Regional Library


An online community of readers

Massanutten Regional Library

Use 7002110 plus your Student Number to access Ebooks and More!

jlg digital a Gold standard collection

From Find it VA- scroll down to "Read" and select.

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student in library working on laptop

Research for Class or Find Answers to those Nagging Questions

Thanks for Checking us Out!   Have questions or need help? Contact Ms. Evans or Mr. Mumbauer or swing by the library!


Reader’s, V. (2014). VSLA. VSLA. https://www.vsra.org/virginia-readers-choice-program

‌Title: Apps for Students - McGarvin Media Collections. (2011). Title: Apps for Students - McGarvin Media Collections. Google.Com. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmcgarvinlibrary.weebly.com%2Fuploads%2F5%2F2%2F4%2F6%2F52464857%2Funnamed-1_orig.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmcgarvinlibrary.weebly.com%2Fapps-for-students.html&tbnid=gkazwkx1_MiAOM&vet=12ahUKEwi0_biYnufsAhUpT98KHbJkADMQMygHegUIARCgAQ..i&docid=FVvHezZN0So0RM&w=440&h=280&q=mybib%20icon&safe=strict&ved=2ahUKEwi0_biYnufsAhUpT98KHbJkADMQMygHegUIARCgAQ

Purdue Writing Lab. (2018). MLA Overview and Workshop // Purdue Writing Lab. Purdue Writing Lab. https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_overview_and_workshop.html

The Noun Project. (2020). The Noun Project. https://thenounproject.com/term/no-plagiarism/1482751/